soon enough, my love, shall your pretty little head rest
my mother is a cathedral, pretty and tall
my mother father and sisters (dear as they are)
if there is love in thy city thy fingers shall sweetly bear down upon it,
in our fishing trips engulfed by July heat
(at least not in the sense of taking which you thought):
sure, we took and ate, but i would like to think
that my father and i discovered some island in the middle
of that lake - somewhere where we could live alone
away from smog and concrete, a place where we
could carve things from wood and live on our own
with the little birds and fish that came about -
only taking what we needed
and we took more than that:
together we took each other in that old aluminum boat
and he took me to God and to Man
in the middle of uncrisp muddy water -
he took my hand and placed it on maple oars
and took my muscles (then undertoned . . .
still undertoned) and made them row, made them
grow, made them a manifestation of his manliness and mine
i took my father in that lake and turned him 'round
to someone who thought that maybe his son could be a son
(perhaps a ballplayer instead of a poet)
and into someone who would someday shake my hand
after my sixteenth birthday -
although he never called me son
and somehow,
i'm okay with that
so it was never about taking from Nature,
taking from the lake and reaping it -
in fact we always stayed within our legal limit -
it was always about those days in the sunset
and that wind that we used to cool ourselves off -
it was about my first Swiss Army Knife
and his old pocket knife -
it was about our matching soda bottles
and our tub of worms (he always told me that they never felt a thing)
truth be told, i hate fishing
but he loves it, so what choice did i have?
i often wonder (when you close your eyes)
Love Letters
maybe there's a window
where the moon can be pretty
our coffee can cool off
as the sky turns to red
and somehow we don't know
why the stars are so gritty -
we are in this stand-off
for our battle in bed
in blowing our labors
we stood up in covers
of clouds led by contours
we slept on in night
the sky's what we savor
and the swirls are our lovers,
but somehow we're hunters
with our deep spears in fright
will i am this burning
that keeps your room blooming
which raptures the valor
that you hope to dream
your stomach is churning
from the blood we are dooming
to coffee and colors
of the white seeping beams
For My Youngest Nephew
call you "Squeakers" in remembrance of
your infantile wailings for milk -
but as one Mark
whose name was mutilated
by adorableness and cutesy desires,
allow me
to pass a little piece of advice
onto you:
don't take a nickname -
it degrades us all (especially me)
(what's untruly true) three days have waned
and we ponder some fullness in something
we once thought barren
the clock strikes us with ticks
engulfed in aliveness of the small,
the death of the big in you and i
how steady this tight wrangling
of a thousand drops from youth spills
like snowflakes that melt in our eyes -
only warmer (like the black breaths
that you gasped swiftly while i spat up)
and much more holy
always we were prepared for what this season
could bear unto us: the unbearables and the barren
until you could inhale no more and i
had coughed up all i could muster
and we fell asleep; thinking of what now
must be untruly true (but who knows?)
buried under the snow (somewhere) is our October love:
the slim kisses upon our unpursed lips,
the shaking thrusts of my hips
and the strained motions of your head
somewhere in dead leaves my hands found
the inclinations of your breasts, the soft caress
of your mouth and its words,
the taming that your finger laced through my chest
before the worry staggered home and leaped
into my chest, there we were, tangled up
and beaten down by unsure love,
like the summer had been beaten down
by October, the month of something dead
yet so alive
my christmas roast now lay in the garbage
in a pool of potatoes and pasta and vegetables -
a slight hint of Pabst
and a huge helping of my nerves
lord knows how you are taking it your nerves:
if i have have the guts that you do
then maybe i could keep my dinner down
i can only imagine how your stomach churned
back when this was you
my sister's life seems almost too close to mine and yours right now:
you are not my sister, of course -
a mother too young, scared by babies
yet stern in her dealings with them,
as her belly is no longer soft like yours
the holidays are too much for us -
6 hours and one day
is far too long for me to wait
for me to be when i cannot rest my hands
upon you
and tell you that somehow things
will not grow within you
and pray for that brief candle
to go out
you have brothers - you don't really see
what i've seen with my sisters
and their bellies
until it happens to you
when you have to think of how your body
lies on anothers and what that does
to your youth and your drastic changings
you really start to wonder where things
went wrong
or maybe right
this should puff out our chests
and clenche our fists
and make us stand on firmer ground
in our bravery instilled upon ourselves
by our ignorant and hopeful love
right now i am lying in bed
the smell of tossed-up christmas in my mouth
and maybe
just maybe
it is for nothing
steadfast as my stepping winter bore a final son -
so many times g-d have i begged you
to be thy love is an unholy thing
the stars became convex as we looked up
Te laudo, Puella, quam vir Dominum laudet -
finally! a force of nature to keep us sane!
the moon sprints
i thought we told this story before:
(as a church bell) today Spring is ringing
upon the ice
last ni( love you)ght
we awoke
to( feel our makin)gether
in our(selves)
to feel our
mo(an)ve through
our c(reeping finge)resting eyes
unt(ying all of our limbs)il the sun
r(eaped our soft bodies)ose
i remember when death was something
that scared me dearly - every little screech
of my brakes and every slip of my shoes
on black ice tore me away from whatever
i was doing, making me think that every breath
could have been my last
now death is not nearly as frightening
as the prospect of life -
mine or something else's
coming along the inside
of the room we make
to burn our hides
my neurosis in your hair
and the deep window glare
from this sun that burns
our loving air
all that we will drink
comes on in to make us sink
just as fast as our weary eyes
can blink
this part of fingers in the flesh
take up the dreams of rest
that lay upon your head as i
sight your chest
the temperature's as 63 -
still a little warm for me -
my breath is something that
i would love to see
i can be the one to brave you
the one that can maybe save you
from the chill you're facing
in breathing tunes
the water laced in blood and sand
coming down to soak our hands
as the stains on the bed rise up
from 'round the bends
now we're back to life again
beaming up with awkward grins
as i'm walking down the street -
our evening's end
if you're hands don't shake then you're not alive.
when you look down that hallway and see the sheen
of your roommate's poster - the teeny-bopper flick
that makes them think they know what love is -
if your hands don't curl up and shake
as angry clenching fists then
something is wrong with your pulse.
Dear German Girl
dear German girl: i am someone who tries to take
the ugliness of the language from yours
and make it something that my Roman tongue
can properly recite.
still how can my tongue be something that you claim
was lapped up long ago?
dear German girl, who told you that i was not
original? i was made the same way as you (perhaps
with just a hint more Romance) and yet i am not the same way
that you are.
since i was made from similar pushings as you
does that make you and i the same?
so am i you, dear German girl?
am i just a spitting image like those pages
you took from the little guy? or am i
the little guy and you are just a big mean frau?
let's not remember Teutoburg Forest -
instead remember who you're talking to.
while sleeping i felt the queer inhalations
an inmitation of "Treetops" by Beat Radio
lyrics by Brian Sendrowitz
A million inhabitants sink in the sea
The bells in the evening ring out for me
My hands are shaking like the leaves in September
I think I'm alright but I don't remember
I know I'm alone but with you I'm better
So I'm sending you flowers, I'm writing you letters
Summer is starting to feel like forever
Burn down our love and we swallow the embers
In the treetops of my mind and you are hard to keep in time
In the basement of my head I remember what you said
On the jukebox in our bar I heard the sound of old guitars
Changed something in my brain and I've never been the same
Tried to keep an open heart and everything falls apart
There are things you want to say, but you're so many miles away
A thousand snowflakes stirred in the street
Alarms in the morning stir up our feet
My face is solid, like the ice in December
Yours is so good, free of your temper
I feel we're our own, together in fetters
So we're stepping on sidewalks, we're late-winter treaders
Winter has started to feel like a never
Unlike our love, a beatiful tether
On the sidewalks left behind, left in time to be refined
As we wake up in your bed after last night's fall to dead
Like the driving in my car slid into the tree afar
In winter's little game to try to place our blame
Listen to the sounds of starts, the way the rings empart
The state of child's play on the concrete cold today
Screenplay Idea Ten
(now unadmired) drive cross-country
to bury their mother and wife (respectivly) -
they are forced to speak
(god forbid)
TIME: 1990's
SONG: Galaxie 500 - "Walking Song"
Screenplay Idea Nine
(perhaps in French) with a close-up
of a young woman's crying face
as her lover kisses her goodbye
as a man in a giant pink bunny suit
walks by nonchalantly
TIME: 1930's
SONG: Faure - "Le Contique de Jean Racine"
Screenplay Idea Eight
blanketed in radio waves:
tensions of power, tensions of lust,
tensions of the notes in the air through
the dank darkness
as the popping of the record player echoes
SETTING: Ann Arbor
SONG: All of Them
Screenplay Idea Seven
but there is nothing naked:
a tale of two lovers and temptations
beyond that love - flashbacks
maybe but what would be the Fruit
in the Garden of Concrete?
SETTING: Real and Unreal
TIME: Now and Then
SONG: None (?)
Ode to my Yellow Legal Pad
this is it, my good friend:
your last throughs, yet i am still fighting -
scribbles are my fists and letters are the blood
that drums up
i wonder if you will be like
Keats's Grecian Urn: a telling of history
from an unknown poet (my name does not appear
on your pages, as jaundiced as tulips)
that is found under the rubble if my house
were to collapse on me - someone will write newspaper articles
about you! - of if that blood that harbours itself
in your pages drips out from me in wounds
from other (perhaps myself, though highly doubtful)
would you say such nice things about me?
and, moreso, would they believe them?
your leaves are filled with blackness
which began solely 17 days ago:
60 pages (or so) filled, your life cut short
by my ramblings, my scribbles -
if you had entrails they would be strewn
across hard desks and covered in black ink
i feel as if i murdered you for the sake
of my history, some fantacized "legacy"
in the form of indecipherable script
so for you, my dear friend, i weep
for i will miss your brightness
because without it, i would have to kill
something far less bright
Little Black Dress
fit me snugly, my arms traped in sleeveless sleeves
and my squeezed by the flail,
the shape of your breasts leave my flat chest
untouched, the peaks of your bosom
found in the tightness of the dress:
what is long and flowing on you
seems constraining to me.
i am motionless, afraid of tearing
the stiff fabric and the look
on your disturbed face -
yet you were laughing, giggling
as i became your little big doll
(with a suspicious buldge, however)
you speke of braiding my hair
and giving me a pretty little pearl necklace,
peraps piercing my ears (if i were not
utterly terrified of needles) and i gave you
a courtsey, my face red with shame,
yours red with laughter -
from 40 miles away i can hear my father groan
but it is muffled by your laughter;
i think of myself on a stage dancing
and singing, but then my body remembers
the soft constraint, and the laughter ceases
as i turn around and implore you with my shame:
"unzip me"
Screenplay Idea Six
a poet, middle-aged, end of the line,
living for nothing: wife gone, children with her
across town, meets a younger woman, she lets him
write again, a miracle, though completely
misdirected (as all poets are
with pretty girls)
SONG: Beat Radio - "Treetops"
Screenplay Idea Five
walk through the Yard, one is
murdered; the other remains broken,
near-dead, dead in the eyes of those
still in the Yard
SETTING: Harvard
TIME: 1926
SONG: Camille Saint-Saens - "Prelude" from Oratorio de Noel
Screenplay Idea Four
on the road to their wedding,
her father dies, wedding delayed
by a funeral, delayed by her questions
on death and purpose
SETTING: The Midwest
SONG: Slowdive - "When the Sun Hits"
Screenplay Idea Three
& men, meeting two loves:
a woman & a man, hiding
his loves (a woman & a man)
from each other (a woman &
a man) and himself
SETTING: Seattle
SONG: Neutral Milk Hotel - "Two-Headed Boy, Pt. 1"
Screenplay Idea Two
a boy finds that first girl,
his first suffering, his first sickness
and for 120 minutes adults ask him
"are you okay?"
SETTING: The Midwest
TIME: Then (20 years ago or so)
SONG: The White Stripes - "The Same Boy You've Always Known"
Screenplay Idea One
in redwoods of skyscrapers and
some too-deep caverns of creative psyche,
drowning in order to stir his music or fiction
or poetry or painting or anything with cigarettes and burbon
SONG: R.E.M. - "Bittersweet Me"
Wall Stains
i saw drippings of blood on the wall:
a concoction of overmixed paint
and pumping from your thin blue veins
white walls seem to hold on to everything -
the stains of childhood dreams
and youthful lusting,
all of which still lingers on your walls
there is a spot of blue on mine
from when you crashed into it
within my sheets and the fabric
bleed from the sickness on my bed
but that will come out with some elbow grease
whereas yours will take some back rubs
and many more kisses
before i can clean up this mess i left on your walls
you are intricate in your dealings
with words (far more than myself):
your tiptoping through verbs and nouns
keeps me guessing, your delicate laying
of adjectives keeps my mind jumping
and my eyes swaying - my heart hoping
that any and all harshness comes not
from my words (far less intricate
than yours)
i reap madness from your silence -
solitude pleases the Muses but it leaves me aching
for what you and i could make with words
and the city is supposedly unfriendly to poets
but since you were brought to me
in a sea of concrete and through allyway winds
i would say the city has been good to us
so why are you silent
and why do you drag me deeper
into madness with your lack of words?
now twice have i felt the stinging of your teenage love:
those times when you told me that no one knew any better
i was unknowing of everything, i was sitting alone on a too-big bed
waiting for someone to sneak through my basement window
and make some form of mishap with me
when you told me that you had to make choices i had already chosen
not to force myself to make choices, i had already told myself
that myself was for myself and not for others, not for the old
and especially not for the new
then when you said how you had to find things out i knew
what i had been told by my mother and father - i had seen
my sisters (who were told nothing) find things out as you did:
unknowingly, unwillingly
how you somehow dealt with a death not a death but a ceasing -
as much as my mother would hate such ceasing
i have to think that at least one of her rosary beads would know
that god would want me to live
most of all you tell me about leaving - it's all about the leaving
and i thought not about leaving but about grasping when i was young,
i thought of grasping someone with whom i could leave
and move on, move up, move forward
but somehow after hearing the sting of your teenage love
i wish to move on
with you and your sting
this candy laced on your lips
tastes like something my mother gave me
when i was a boy -
an overindulgence of cane sugar
from smuggled from somewhere South,
still it does not compare
to the granuales the drip slowly
from your tongue
and down to your breasts
as i wish to taste
though dually temped by slumber and bodies
still this sterling beam trickles down
A Beer with My Father
the molding of two lovers over the ocean's wake
Valentine's Day 2010
the whiteness glow;
this (or any other thing of love or equal matter)
is not something pure - instead it drips with murky waters
under the night sky traversing the inhalations
of mourning over our dead loving bodies
sometimes our love is not a wonderful splendorous thing:
instead it seems to brood under the clouds crashing
like waves upon rocky shores, tidal waves that burst
through the sea to bury all those sailing
still this rough thing is our love and still it is reaping
of our mouths, of our notions of those things that
keep our fingers shaking like winter's boughs
about to shatter in the frigid moaning of our love
now we rest and reflect upon that darkness
that somehow molds and forms into our love
poetry is a victim of the blogosphere
The Two Navarros
18th-Century Coffee Houses
is missing his partner:
lost in a sea of blankets, jeans,
t-shirts and sweaters -
all poems from today
shall forever be known as
for all i remember is what
i don't remember
will burn you as they stroll their knuckles
over your flesh, how tenderly they will speak
until their tongues begin to bleed
their mouths gap and draw in
deep breaths full of apparitions of their
"i love you"s, a spirit dealt a raw deal
as their hips and thighs will show you
what simply can three or four
or five little words do to one who felt
the sting of more than so, more than this,
more than all the waning of the moon?
still i wonder as i wrap your hands
with white cloths
this morning -
i felt the heat and eruption
of your womanly moans
under my hard body
where all i did
was keep pushing
as you pulled
the deepness from your back
"here - here -
why not here?"
"because i want
to kiss you"
but i think the three of us know why
my love the days felt smooth
as you ride down the plains
through bouncing hills:
how long have you danced
upon the grass of this garden
before you dreamed of the softness
of my chest?
i saw drawings on pages
of two lovers in embrace
and i thought of you:
how i wish to be the charcoal
that keeps you drifting
over to me
where i dream
For Allison
Long before this poet sang
the words of Israel rang through
to the West, where they were met
with praises -
how men would know the plight
of their wives came from Israel,
its stories, its strains,
its native tongue
telling them that wives were always
at fault, since that fateful day.
Long before this poet sang
a man across the Pond cried to make
something that no one's eyes read before -
a chance to tell the world
the story behind the story
of Israel,
a chance to tell the world
that in fact he (blinded) could see
the Muses of Homer, of Virgil,
and make them his own
in a language much more vulgar -
vulgar so that he could
faithfully blame (yet again)
the wives.
Long before this poet sang
a woman rose from the slumbering
body of a man,
a master who kept her body
under his, who kept his arms taught
around her moist body,
keeping her down in body
and mind.
This woman is hailed
as the mother of all;
this woman is condemned
as the damnation of us all –
though what man
in all his right mind
could damn his mother
for eternity?
When man wrote of man
and woman
he made the cunning of the Tempter
that was soft,
dying to be bolted down
by the hands of man.
Though she had not been given a voice.
This poet – a man – now sings
of such harshness,
of such ease of temptation
through any sort –
especially that of
demonic notions.
The unfair trial of Eve
breeds remorse for fallen woman.
But woman is very much alive.
But woman is very much here.
But man takes woman and makes her
temptress in our fall –
when woman only did it
for love,
for being,
for man.
You would have eaten the Fruit from her hands.
Corrinia's Baby
Dead Leaves
that night we walked, i never knew -
never would have guessed -
that your floor was once covered
with dead leaves, branches
and a season - the summer is so cruel
sometimes, the heat and anticipation
really takes a toll on the idle mind
still i never thought of you, walking,
writing and pushing, pulling and holding
on to something soft, something yet-to-firm-
up within, something that you perhaps miss
but something to whom you bid good riddance;
though what is good if not built to better?
like you did:
i felt not the crinkling of lake sand
in my brittle feet,
nor have waves ever been
my childhood dreams
i was raised on a mixture
of concrete and corn:
a cultivation fertilized by
smoke stacks and scrap metal
my waves were gray
and my poetic discovery came in the form
of pink slips and "CLOSED" signs
unlike your clear blue washings
my baths were brown-murky
and taken from runoff from the makings
of the lower-middle class
i had no lake effect snow -
instead my angels were made
to look tan from the asphalt scrapings
from speeding cars
and broken shards of beer bottles
in the ditch in front of my yard
whereas you were blue, i was gray
while you were West i was here
thinking of crisp clear waves
anything but the gray