a folk song in a key yet-to-be-determined
A semi-truck's leaving
The girl is conceding
To sleep in a bed with a new boy tonight
The stars are all hidden
By street lights, their giving
Is higher and high than the moon's ever bright
The fireflies whisper
As boys try to kiss her:
The girl who drank wine from a red plastic cup
The trees are unmoving
The boys are left drooling;
But she doesn't bother to hold her head up
To see them
The sound of the night is the sweetest delight
For the full moon, the stop signs, the cigarette lights
The monsters in hiding are soft and inviting
Though no one believes them when they say they're all right
It's just that time of night
The men are in waiting;
The girls are complaining
That their shoes make their feet feel so blistered and numb
They grab on to their hips
And sing soft from their lips
With false declarations of beauty and love
To feel them
The sound of the night is the sweetest delight
For the full moon, the stop signs, the cigarette lights
The monsters in hiding are soft and inviting
Though no one believes them when they say they're all right
It's just that time of night
It's nighttime in summer;
The singles and lovers
Are in full bloom and full force with every last drop
A blanket wrapped so tight,
A friendly kiss goodnight
To give all they give and to get what they've got
The sound of the night is the sweetest delight
For the full moon, the stop signs, the cigarette lights
The monsters in hiding are soft and inviting
Though no one believes them when they say they're all right
It's just that time of night