finally! a force of nature to keep us sane!

finally! a force of nature to keep us sane!

no longer shall we be victims of the madness
instilled by heavy snow - how we were trapped
becoming senile, losing it as we lost all
of our contact and our ration and rationale

and no longer do we have to look to the news
to see her force, to see her blowhard face
within the tears of the poor, no more do i
have to turn a channel to see her wrath

lo! a turn of the dial so that i can see
dryness, parchedness, still thinking of how
the heat can make one think things
that are unruly, unright, unstill, unthinking

now nature has given us something to think about -
let's thank her for finally trying to keep my sane
by driving us crazy with every waking day

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