A Car Crash

winter -
we know it well
until we face it again
and we have to drive

Adrian to Traverse City
is five hours
(six if it's snowing)
the snow reminds me of the paleness
of your thighs

223 becomes 127
and five hours becomes four

death becomes clear
as the semis move Chrysler parts
from Toledo to Flint

Christmas was such a lovely season
but now the snow is melting
as it blankets Highway 10

i can see you in my windshield

the semis
this time carrying milk
from Hillsdale to Mt. Pleasant
creep over to the side of my mother's Ford
and i can only do so much swerving
before i'm off the road

bear crossing outside of Cadillac
(an hour left or so)
i have never seen a bear
in Michigan before

part of me wants to wrestle one
and bring it to your father
as a token of my manliness
(my father taught me to bring a gift
if someone lets you stay in their home)

i lose track of highways
16 - 17 - 18
finally 19
miles until T.C.

i call although
the snow is rough,
drifting over the highway
as i drift over the state

your father asks
if i have snow tires
and i tell you that there are
no such things in the South

a semi
reaches over and merges
in front of me
and i can't slam my breaks
because of the drifting

i slammed hard into Traverse City
i slammed hard into you

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