[MY DAUGHTER will be elaborated after this. I promise her]

you, my boy, will be one with nature
(no matter how much your mother laughs at the idea)
i will teach you how to climb trees
until you reach out to the clouds
i will teach you to hunt for flowers
because i would not want you to kill
(for mine and your mother's sakes)

the only thing that you will kill
is the competition for state finals
in whateveritisthatyoudo

come watch your father lecture
and remember why he wrote
this poem in the first place

i will teach you how to talk to women
(or rather how not to talk to women)
i will teach you to talk period
remember son:
your father is a poet
your mother is a poet
and if you can't tell a poet anything,
then you can't talk at all
because we are used to telling the world
about everything

especially you

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